Our Mission
To promote awareness and provide management for the waters and watershed of Washington, Maine.
WLWA Announcements
BOATER’S SAFETY COURSE - April 5, 2025 - details here
FREE FLY-TYING CLINIC - May 3, 2025 - details here
2025 WLWA Newsletter - details here
Washington Lakes Watershed Unveils New Logo - details here
New WLWA Junior Membership Created - details here
Invasive Snails in Washington Pond - details here
Audubon Tri-fold: “How Close is Too Close: An Overview of Loon Stress Behaviors”
Watch Website Drone Video and Music - details here
Who We Are
We are a small, local organization founded in 1991 by local year-round and summer residents. The purpose of Washington Lakes Watershed Association is to promote understanding and good management of the water and watershed within the town of Washington, Maine. The Association works to maintain good lake and watershed management.

Watershed Coverage
The watershed includes Washington Pond, Crystal Lake, Medomak Stream and several others.
We regularly post activities and are happy to include your events that are in support of the Washington Lakes region and the families in our community.
Good Lake Stewardship
We all need to be stewards.
Declining water quality can affect the type and number of fish species that inhabit the lake as well as the birds and other wildlife which make their home here. It can harm recreational use and it results in lower property values. What we do on land does affect our lakes.